Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The great unfolding

God must have had a lot of fun making these hibiscus flowers! They unfold so neatly into big beautiful blooms. The pink one is about eight inches (21 cm) across.
Every morning He is busy unfurling all the morning glory blossoms.
The ruler shows the width of this gorgeous flower.

We keep saying that we're just going to sit and watch the flowers open up. They start in little cones, and pretty soon they look like this. So far we've never witnessed the actual unfolding, but I am fascinated by the neatness of it all. Thanks be to God for all this beauty!


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

The Hibisus are beautiful..I saved some seeds a couple of years ago...I've been meaning to plant them...seems there isn't enough time in my day...Glad God takes care of the rest of them :o)...Ginny

Connie said...

They really are amazing to me. So pretty. Thank you for sharing these photos, Diana. Very lovely.

anne from finland said...

The flowers are so beautiful! If there wasn´t any flowers, birds or music, life would not be as good as it is! And what great patterns these objects give us!!!

Suzanne said...

Your hibisus are so beautiful they remind me of a nice tropical island (not that I've been to one).
So perfect and a reminder of all things beautiful.

Minerva said...

Beautiful flowers! I agree- it's like one neat little package of pretty!