Saturday, July 17, 2010

Feeding the wildlife

Good morning, Mrs. Deer. I'm so glad to see you didn't have to skip dessert. I'm sure the lily flowers made a very nice addition to your meal of tender morning glory leaves.
And Mrs. Beetle, it was so kind of you to hold your banquet here in our garden. What lovely lace you have created from the morning glory leaves.


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Ladydi, I feel your pain...the bugs got to my beautiful collards and I had to pull the rest up in order to save some for myself...Our whole garden has been attacked..and we have lost so much...but we gained some things too!

Connie said...

Oh dear. Very generous of you to share, Diana. It's too bad your guests seem to have been rather greedy. :\

Suzanne said...

Those bugs really love seeing what you have planted for them to eat.
Do you really get deer visit your garden.