Sunday, February 27, 2011

Getting ready

I'm not normally a believer in "retail therapy". The exception is planning the garden in February!
Wild flowers are such fun to grow. Something different pops up every day. Last year's peas did so well, we're excited to try them again this year.

We've never grown cantelope before. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Are you planning your garden, too?


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

No, I'm not planning anything but more of what I'm thinking I want, and that's everything :o( I don't have enough room...:o( Are you sure you have enough Peas?
I think you like them as well as I like the fresh greens.

ladydi said...

We don't have a lot of room, either, Miss Ginny, but we're going to borrow part of the yard. Yes, I do love peas! I just shell them and eat them raw - so delicious.

Connie said...

I hope your garden does well, Diana. I've grown cantaloupe before at a previous house where we actually had room for a garden. They did really well. Probably the sweetest cantaloupe I've ever had. They were a miniature kind, I don't remember what they were called. We don't really have room for a garden here. Just a couple of flower beds. This is the best time of year to daydream about what to plant, though. :-)

ladydi said...

You're right, Daisy! I decided to quit whining and start dreaming. I'm glad to hear that we can grow melons here in Ohio. My grandfather used to grow them in upstate New York where he called them mush melons.

Suzanne said...

We arent planning a garden here either. I love gardening and we used to garden all the time, but with no water to waste we just have mostly lawn.
I cant wait to see your garden grow.

ladydi said...

Suzanne, we keep a rain barrel, which collects rain from the roof that we use for the garden. This year we're thinking of adding one more barrel. I can see how that wouldn't work if you don't get much rain.

Unknown said...

Do you think I should learn how to spell cantaloupe correctly? I am ashamed to tell you I have been spelling it wrong my entire life.