Sunday, January 9, 2011

Guilt free lunch

We have three birthdays in our family in January. We are firm believers in "Don't skimp on the cake!" which is my favorite birthday greeting. What with eating all this cake, we need to have some guilt free meals. You can make a very tasty lunch by starting with a piece of flat bread.

Spread it with one tablespoon of low fat sour cream.

Sprinkle 1/8 of a cup of low fat shredded mozerella cheese over the sour cream.

Pile on as much fresh spinach as will fit.

Roll it up and cut in two.

Add a delicious clementine, and you have a guilt free and very nourishing lunch!

Now you can have some birthday cake!


Tine said...

Yum! That looks delicious! Both the lunch and the cake.
I sympathize with the stress of January birthdays. We have 2 in mine :) My sister and my dad!

Suzanne said...

Yum that cake and healthy lucnh look so good.
Diana may I ask what a clementine is.

ladydi said...

LOL, Tine, it was very poor planning on our part! Our boys would have enjoyed summer birthdays, I'm sure.

Suzanne, a clementine is a small, usually seedless orange. Most of the time they are very sweet, juicy, and delicious. Sometimes you get a dry one.

Locket Pocket said...

If you have a guilt free lunch does that mean you can have TWO slices of cake? Lucy x

ladydi said...

I like the way you think, Lucy!

anne from finland said...

Yum! I would like to taste your lunch! Our middle daughter has her 30 years birthday tomorrow, but she has the party after a couple of weeks. I am sure, there will not be any light cakes! :-)

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Can I eat the cake first! I promise to eat the rest later.
Ginny ( who is being naughty about eating )

ladydi said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter, Anne!

I don't know, Miss Ginny. I don't want to be responsible for bad blood sugar readings. However, I do believe in the saying, "Life is uncertain, eat dessert first!"

Connie said...

Diana, both your lunch and cake look delicious. It is all about keeping things in balance, isn't it. :) I agree with you. On birthdays there ought to be cake for everyone!

ladydi said...

Thank you, Daisy! We do kind of overdo it in January, but January doesn't have much else to recommend it, so it's fun to have three birthdays.