Sunday, October 26, 2008

A nifty gadget and a political statement

I needed some silver thread for my very first swap project. While I was selecting the thread, look what I found! They sparkle, and you know what? When I washed them, they added sparkles to everything else in the loads. Nice! Except. . . I'm not sure Larry wants sparkles on his plaid flannel shirt. :>}
This is not my swap project, just some more Christmas sewing I finished up.

This is the niftiest little gadget. It doesn't look like much here, but when you look through the opening, it multiplies whatever you're looking at. So perfect for looking at a quilt square, to see if you really want to make 27 more for a big quilt. Very cool!

My mom asked me to make this for her. She will be 86 next month. She got the idea from her 88 year old cousin, who has the same statement on a similar button. The election is in just over a week.


Connie said...

Hello, Diana! I really like the blue and white project here and the saying in the center. Very appropriate for a Sunday. :)

Larry in sparkles and the button for your mom made me laugh! :D

I think I'll be glad when the election is finally over.

Suzanne said...

I think it would be funny to see your Larry with a sparkly shirt. Glad to see I am not the only one that does that.

Awaiting with interest over here to see the outcome of your election. We are always relieved when ours are over.

Tine said...

The Christmas-sewing is pretty, and such a true statement too :-)
I wash my fabrics with our laundry as well, and luckily when I washed some quilters cotton with glitter, none of Charles' clothes were in that load...he would not have been pleased. LOL!
I love the button, very very nice in so many ways!