that remarks about the weather don't actually affect it. Otherwise I would be even more unhappy that our swimming season ended rather abruptly. Right after I mentioned the heat in my last post the temperature dropped. The pool water went down to 62 degrees, and there's no recovering from that once the daylight hours are shorter.
Closing the pool is a lot of work, and no fun at all. Fortunately it's done for another year. This time of year I always fantasize about having an indoor pool. Totally expensive and out of the question, but fun to think about.
On the bright side, it was one of our best swimming seasons ever! I logged about 58 miles, one 18 foot lap at a time. All that turning is very good exercise. LOL! Last year the water was pretty cold most of the summer, and I doubt if I swam more than ten miles. The strange thing is, I feel like I'm flying when I swim, but it takes me 42 minutes to swim a mile. It takes 20 minutes to walk a mile. How can that be?
I have started knitting another pair of socks, this time for Larry. I hope this pair won't take three months like the last one did. If it does they'll be ready just in time for Christmas. Do you believe that Christmas is in just over three months? Time to get busy with our projects. :>}
I hope you have a lovely week!